Conference on Esperanto Studies, 2023

The 45th Conference on Esperanto Studies

Place: Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy
Time: August 3 and 4, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Organized by: Javier Alcalde and Mark Fettes

Hosted as part of the 108th World Esperanto Congress



The organizers invite all specialists, researchers and other congress participants to the 45th Conference on Esperanto Studies, under the auspices of the Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems (CED). The event will be hybrid, allowing for participation online and in person, as part of the 108th World Esperanto Congress in Turin, Italy (July 29-August 5, 2023).

Two three-hour sessions will include several twenty-minute presentations selected from among the proposals received, with a final round table on the current research challenges of Esperanto studies in relation to collections and archives. We welcome proposals on Esperanto-related topics from such fields as linguistics, history, sociology, anthropology and literary studies; interdisciplinary proposals are also welcome. Proposals that analyze aspects of Esperanto, Esperanto studies and interlinguistics in Italy will be particularly welcome, in honour of the country hosting this year’s conference. Based on the presentations, a selection of papers, edited by the authors for publication, will appear in the journal Esperantologio / Esperanto Studies.

We invite all scholars in this field—especially younger researchers and first-time participants— to propose a paper for the conference. Proposals, from 150-200 words, must be sent to the e-mail addresses of the organizers: jalcaldevi [at] and mtfettes [at] We also ask that the proponents indicate whether they intend to present in person or virtually.

The deadline for proposals is May 15, 2023.

To check the program of previous conferences, visit the CED website

Javier Alcalde, Guilherme Fians and Mark Fettes

2023 organizers

About the


August 3: First Session

09:00 – Liberiĝi de interlingvistiko

Jouko Lindstedt

09:30 – Kiel Esperanto eniris la semiologian vivon?

Klaus Schubert

10:00 – Epistemologiaj konsideroj pri la studado de Esperanto

Eric Macpherson

10:30 – Kompili Homeran leksikonon por havi vortaron

Nicola Ruggiero

11:00 – Esperanto kaj universitato I.  Studoj en Esperanto pri esperantologio kaj lingvistiko en AMU

Ilona Koutny

11:30 – Public debate

12:00 – End of the First Session

August 4: Second Session

09:00 – Neakceptebla lingvo – la poŝta cenzuro de korespondaĵoj en Esperanto kaj aliaj lingvoj tra la 20-a jarcento

James Rezende Piton

09:30 – La nerealigita kaj forgesita potenco de Esperanto: Raciigi kaj demokratigi lingvon en Ĉinio

Joseph Essertier

10:00 – Esperantaj heredaĵoj en publikaj arĥivoj: ŝancoj kaj defioj

Rubeno Fernàndez Asensio

10:30 – El asocia arkivo al reta muzeo: la vojaĝo de Lucien Péraire (1928-1932) en la nubo de ciferecaj homsciencoj

Pascal Duboug-Glatigny

11:00 – Esperanto kaj universitato II. Strategio allogi profesorojn lerni Esperanton

Vicente Manzano-Arrondo

11:30 – Public debate

12:00 – End of the Second Session

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