Information For Interlinguists Archive
Information For Interlinguists ~ 2024
- The 21st International Congress of Linguists (ICL), Interlinguistics Workshop
- 46th Esperanto-studies conference during the 109th World Esperanto Congress in
Arusha - The 2nd International conference on constructed languages
- Conference: Esperanto in Asia
Academic and research activity
- The Interlinguistics Studies at AMU end their program with their last exams
- Center of Documentation on Esperanto in Subirats
- Esperanto in newspaper excerpts
Bibliographic notes
- Dissertations, diploma theses
- Journal articles
- Books
- Book chapters
- Journal issues
- 46th Esperanto studies conference, 2024-08-08
- Colloque international sur les langues construites (International conference on constructed languages), 2024-07-04/05
- Conference on applications of Esperanto in science and technology (KAEST), 2024-11-7/10
Academic and research activity
- Lecture by Walter Klag on Esperanto at the Universität Wien, 2024-05-29
- Esperanto course at Волинський національний університет імені Лесі Українки (Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University) at Lutsk
- Lecture about the Esperanto movement in Japan at L’École des hautes études en sciences sociales (ÉHÉSS), Paris
- Zoom-course materials on interlinguistics, Université Espoir du Congo (Chuo Kikuu cha Kongo)
- Umberto Eco – a quête d’une langue parfaite dans l’histoire de la culture européenne (1992)
Bibliographic notes
- Dissertations, diploma theses
- Journal articles
- Books
- Book chapters
- Journal issues
- International symposium on language ideologies and attitudes (IDEOLING),
- 46th Esperanto Studies Conference During the World Esperanto Congress in Arusha, Tanzania
- Fifth biannual real symposium: human capital, languages, and new literacies; theories, policies, and impacts
- International Conference on Constructed Languages (I-CONlangs II, 2024)
University and research activities
- “Introduction to linguistics” course
- Two articles on the planned language Bālaïbalan
- Esperanto Museum of the Austrian National Library: Periodicals 1898-1915: the Hachette Collection Online
- Le Monde publishes an article on constructed languages
- TV channel Arte released video on Volapük and Esperanto
- New comprahensive article on linguistic Jjustice on Wikipedia
- Working group meeting on bilingual parenting workshop, Caroline Marshall Draughon Center for the Arts & Humanities, Auborn, Alabama
- Wim Jansen, 1948 – 2024
- Career jump by Başak Aray
- Retirement og Sabine Fiedler 2023-11
Bibliographic notes
- Dissertations, diploma theses
- Journal articles
- Books
- Book chapters
- Journal issues
- Newsletters
- International Congress of Linguists
- International Conference on Constructed Languages
- 9th Nitobe Symposium
Academic and research activities
- Eramus+ project for language learning successfully completed
- Agreement for collaboration between Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas and the Lithuanian Esperanto Association
- The Esperanto collection at the National library of Poland
- Declaration of the Centre for Research and Documentation on World Language
Problems (CED) on the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human
- Article by Michele Gazzola in The Guardian
- Erich-Dieter Krause (1935 – 2023)
- Lisa McEntee-Atalianis receives tenure
- Book chapters
- Newsletters
- Theses, dissertations, and diploma work
- Journal articles
- Books
- Book chapters
- Newsletters
Information For Interlinguists ~ 2023
- International seminar in Seville
- Centre for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems
- Presentation of the Book “Epistemological and theoretical foundations in language policy and planning”
- First Study Group on “setuei” (Sparing Use of English)
- Study Report Session by the Japanese Esperanto Institute
Academic and research activities
- Conference: Mapping multilingual (counter-)expertises: Scientific and political knowledge production across borders in the long twentieth century
- Course at Universidad de Sevilla
- Value of Language Learning Diminishing in the United States
- Invitation to Terminology Revision
- Article and Lecture about a Bicycle Tour of Lucien Péraire
- Esperanto Film “Sgrafitoj”
- Theses, dissertations, and diploma work
- Books
- Book chapters
- Newsletters
- 9th Nitobe Symposium
- Espéranto Paradigme III : Sociétés transnationales et sociabilités nouvelles / Transnationale Gemeinschaften und neue Soziabilitäten
- Round table discussion during the Japanese Esperanto Congress
- 45th Esperanto Studies Conference during the 108th World Esperanto Congress
Academic and research activities
- Film about the Esperanto department at Zaozhuang University
- Master’s Studies at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
- Teacher training at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
- Boulton Fellowship to Cecilia Giardini
- Project Ellenberger
- Research project about options for interlingual communication
- Eroshenko’s stories published in English translation
- New audio guide for the Esperanto Museum at the Austrian National Library
- BBC video in Spanish about the constructed language Interlingua
- Update on the Tekstaro and PIV
- Hector Hodler library goes to Warsaw
- Anniversary celebration for Ilona Koutny (1953-)
- Theses and dissertations
- Journal articles
- Books
- Journal issues
- Numismatics: an Esperanto cultural treasure trove no longer in the dark (3)
- Sandokan, the Tiger of Mompracem
- A community rallies around its language
- Esperantism in the Iberian Peninsula: Nationalism and Internationalism (1887–1928)
- Digitization of Croatian journals co-funded by ESF
- From Esperanto to Dothraki: a book review (2)
- International Conference of Applied Linguistics
- New book on Esperanto morphology
- Conference on education, literature and language
- Babies and contrastive sounds
- Shakespeare myths
- Watch Your Language
- AI learns human language patterns
- Thinking with your hands
- 3rd Virtual Congress and Retoso
- Public-Speaking Competition
- On site and remote, serious and friendly
- Changing the definition of love
- La estontecto de lingva diverseco
- The future of linguistic diversity
- Marjorie Boulton: Unu animo homa
- AI raises questions about innate grammar
- “Baby talk” similar across many languages
- Linguistics and fake news
- The power of language planning
- Power, lust and zinc
ESF grants
Information For Interlinguists ~ 2022
Articles (pages 3–24)
- Numismatics: an Esperanto cultural treasure trove no longer in the dark (2)
- [Numismática: un tesoro cultural del esperanto que ya no está oculto (2)]
- The Book of Guests in Esperanto
- [El Libro de Invitados en Esperanto]
- From Esperanto to Dothraki: a book review (1)
- [Del Esperanto al Dothraki: una reseña del libro (1)]
- On “Hodler in Mostar” – an interview with Spomenka Štimec
- [Sobre “Hodler en Mostar” – una entrevista con Spomenka Štimec]
- CED turns 70 at the 44th Conference on Esperanto Studies
- [CED cumple 70 años en la 44ª Conferencia de Estudios Esperantistas]
Bulletin (pages 25–35)
- The linguistic war on womankind
- Esperanto course for children in Taiyuan
- Save linguistics at Huddersfield
- Esperanto Connecting People: a writing contest
- The search engine that overturned a mask mandate
- Master’s interlinguistics at Poznań
- Esperanto Day posters
- Esperantology Conference as CED turns 70
- Academy directors elected
- UEA archive now at the Austrian National Library
- Madella to speak at AALA 2022
- Koutny spoke at FIPLV congress
- Online CEFR exams off to a good start
- AILA Congress 2023
- Trade-off between complex words and complex grammar
- Rapid phonemic learning in the first hours of life
- Genetic linguistics tracks human migration
- Plurilingual parenting
- The language of happiness
- “Women” and men
- IKIKO 2022
- Esperanto, The Aggressor Language
- Zamenhof comic strip
- A brief history of Esperanto
- World Humanitarian Day
- Esperanto in revolutionary Russia
- Future of Languages conference
- To be or not to be?
- Universal language network in the brain
- in Montreal
- Latin, Linguistics, Friendship and Poetry
- Non-speech vocal cues
- Linguistics and the Austronesian expansion
- The language that doesn’t use “no”
- Linguistic predictions during comprehension
- From ideal to real
- Singing, speech production, and the brain
- The Future of linguistics
- Online C2-level CEF exam in November
- Rudolf Carnap and the Esperanto movement
ESF grants (page 36)
Events (pages 3–27)
- The 7000 Languages App for Endangered Languages
- [La aplicación 7000 Languages para idiomas en peligro de extinción]
- Numismatics: an Esperanto cultural treasure trove no longer in the dark (1)
- [Numismática: un tesoro cultural del esperanto que ya no está oculto (1)]
- Why celebrate language days?
- [¿Por qué celebrar días de idiomas?]
- Seeking a Universal Tongue
- [En busca de una lengua universal]
- Interview with Anna Löwenstein
- [Entrevista con Anna Löwenstein]
- WSIS and NGOs – Indispensable Cooperation
- [La CMSI y las ONG: cooperación indispensable]
- Nitobe Symposium: Language, Conflict and Security
- [Simposio Nitobe: Lenguaje, Conflicto y Seguridad]
General news (pages 28–40)
- Stockholm+50
- Kimura: Methods of Interlinguistic Communication
- “The Black City” in Esperanto
- Indigenous causes
- Master’s interlinguistics at Poznań
- Words whose sounds we love (and hate)
- Polyglot Gathering online
- Are Ukrainian and Russian similar languages?
- Linguistic laws in chimp gestures
- Prefigurative Politics
- Esperanto exams online in June and July
- Conference LINELT-2022
- Linguistics and computer science
- Colloquium with a language/education theme
- Evolution of the building blocks of language
- AI is mastering language
- Positive and negative adjectives for women and men
- Health and the cheerful Spanish lexicon
- Talking to aliens
- Orwell and Esperanto
- Annual conference of NJTESOL/NJBE
- Essay prize on linguistic discrimination
- Common Voice
- Esperanto and religion
- How infants distinguish speech sounds
- Conference on language acquisition
- “Racism” has too many definitions
- Discrimination against foreign accents
- How fetuses learn language
- Coexistence of Black and Standard English
- Early threats to Esperanto
- AI and the evolution of ASL
- Occasionally books are free
- Nationalized Cosmopolitanism
- Couples and baby talk
- Conference on Mediterranean and European Linguistic Anthropology
- Exploring Inclusivity / Languages for Democracy
- Esperanto as bridge religion
- Grabowski’s 165th birthday
- Seminar on artificial languages in Tours
- Is Esperanto dying in China?
- Othering in terrorist discourse
- Linguistic racism in the UK
- Queer linguistics
ESF grants (page 41)
Events (pages 3–26)
- Remarks at Cambridge University Honorary Degree Ceremony
- [Reflexión en la ceremonia de título honorario de la Universidad de Cambridge]
- African website is upgraded and back in service
- Marjorie Boulton Fellowship Report
- [Informe de la beca Marjorie Boulton]
- Archives at Vienna’s Esperanto Museum
- [Archivos en el Museo de Esperanto en Viena]
- 2022 Marjorie Boulton Fellowships
- [Becas Marjorie Boulton 2022]
- [Bourses Marjorie Boulton 2022]
- Ultimately specialist: A review of “La homa lingvo”
General news (pages 27–42)
- Webinars: tourism and Esperanto
- Esperantologia Konferenco on YouTube
- Tourism and Esperanto 2
- Pioneers of internationalism in review
- Words in space and time
- Esperanto: a language with values
- Master’s thesis awards
- The poetry of translation
- Decolonial Subversions 2021
- UN Internship
- Linguistics Colloquium
- International Day of Education
- The Last Language on Earth
- 8th ILEI Forum
- Crash courses in Esperanto
- REAL report on composite indicators
- Esperanto Revolutionaries and Geeks
- Recent articles by Bernhard Tuider
- Esperanto in early machine translation theory
- Persian Lessons
- The legacy of universal brotherhood
- Ulster: Job opportunity
- Paul Gubbins Award for New Journalistic Talent
- Les langues de l’internationalisme ouvrier
- Librarian vacancy
- Wilde’s Salomé in Esperanto
- On moving and standing Still
- Rules and incentives in Budapest
- Kataluna Esperantisto on constructed languages
- Follow the (non-)native
- The rise of English
- IPR: Esperanto in universities
- Speech community v language council
- Advances in interdisciplinary language policy
- Poznań: Virtual interlinguistics session
- In the beginning was the word
- Language communities in Japan
- The word was made flesh
- Fettes to direct theme of indigenous languages
- Flat and fast but not melodious
- Success would mean failure
- Mobile Youth
- Vacancy for professor of translation studies
- Yiddish and “Lingvo Universala”
- When Esperantists Meet
- New Trends in Translation and Technology
- Klingon and Interslavic in the office
- Coming to a Close
- Translation as an Event
- Translate, Write, Simplify
- 2022 ECSPM Symposium
ESF grants (page 43)
Articles (pages 4–16)
- Brian Kaneen: a major donor to the Esperantic Studies Foundation
- UEA.facila – for beginners
- Gamification of language-learning: LinguaPolis Esperanto
- The history of the Vidyasagar Prize
- ESF End-of-Year Update 2021
Bulletin (pages 17–23)
- Introducing the Bulletin
- Webinar at Mazandaran
- Wanted: Translator of historical study
- Un siècle d’espérantisme ouvrier
- Gesellschaft für Interlinguistik 2021
- François Grin on Radio Suisse Romande
- Lectures by Ilona Koutny at BET-56
- Translation, Esperanto and the Politics of Language
- Who was Atanasov?
- Impact of intercultural educational exchange
- Building community through hospitality
- Regularizing the regular
- Linguistic justice at IKIKO
- Grandpa Grabowski
- Esperanto history in Catalonia
- Recorded IKIKO sessions
- Esperanto? What language is that?
- Rules and incentives – a symposium
- Abibifahodie! Language, consciousness and decolonization
ESF grants (page 24)
Information For Interlinguists ~ 2021
Events (pages 3–6)
- Message from UEA on United Nations Day
- 12th Global RCE Conference
- Symposium on Esperanto archives
- 5th UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries
- 75th session of the IKU in Montreal
- Esperanto in Universities
- ILEI reports
- Postgraduate studies in interlinguistics
- Linguistics of Esperanto and constructed languages
General news (pages 7–10)
- Questionnaire for ILEI, ESF and CED
- Ex-president of UEA receives a state prize in India
- Mauro la Torre Award
- Language Policy Mailing List
- Melodies to La Espero
- Progress for TEJO at the UN
- Esperanto por UN
- Global Voices
- UNESCO Courier
Books and articles (pages 11–16)
- Planned languages: From concept to reality
- “How can we profit from English-language higher education?”
- IKU book 2021
- Literary cosmopolitanism in the English fin de siècle: Citizens of nowhere
- “Constructed languages”
- “Why I am a scientist who is not proud of science”
- “A language without a nation”
- “Nationalized cosmopolitanism with communist characteristics: The Esperanto movement’s survival strategy in post-WWII Bulgaria”
- “Esperanto, China’s surprisingly prominent linguistic subculture, is slowly dying out”
- “After the national battles of the First World War came the opportunity to further peace and understanding via the artificial language Esperanto”
- “Tense and aspect in Esperanto verb markers”
- “Future participles in the writings of Zamenhof”
- “Words for berries in artificial languages”
- Contested Languages in the Old World
- “Knowledge and language in classical Indian linguistics: some observations”
- “TEKA: An transnational network of Esperanto-speaking physicians”
- IPR index prepared
- “Esperanto as a way of stimulating interest in one’s native language and learning a foreign language more effectively”
- “Why was the discovery of the jet stream nostly ignored? Maybe because it was published in Esperanto”
- “Dangerously convenient: suppressing Esperanto and the Latin script in China and Japan during the 1920s and 1930s”
- “Esperanto: language and community in the 21 century”
- ESF Connected: Recent blog posts
ESF grants (page 17)
Upcoming events (pages 3–6)
- PoSoMo: Handbook Presentations and Workshop
- 54th ILEI Congress in 2021
- Workshop: Language Practices in Transnational Contexts
- Decade of Indigenous Languages
- UEA campaign to advance Esperanto in the European Union
- Interlinguistics Studies in AMU
Reports (pages 7–11)
- Retoso
- PLPLE21: Workshop on Language Policy, Language Planning & Assessment in Mesoamerica and the Caribbean
- Workshop at the Doctoral College at the University of Tours
- Javier Alcalde at the EHESS
- Ji Chen at KAOEM
- Language and Migration: Experience and Memory
General news (pages 12–15)
- Two Young Scholars Receive Boulton Awards
- Esperantic Studies Foundation annual report, 2020
- UN Esperante
- Esperanto Por UN
- Esperanto Numismatics Assocation – cultural heritage
- Anniversaries and dates of remembrance
- A new poster for Esperanto Day 2021
- Launch of a new network on history and translation
Books (pages 16–18)
- Kafumi… gustumi? Cerbumi…
- Multilingual Environments in the Great War
- On Adam Smith in Beijing by Giovanni Arrighi
- An important but idiosyncratic textbook
- Coolification and Language Vitality: The Case of Esperanto
- Zamenhof’s Yiddish grammar and his Lingvo universala
- Views on the futures of education from around the world
- Oscar Wilde and a chinese sage
- Translation in Society
- Les langues en débat dans une Europe en projet
- ESF Connected: Recent blog posts
ESF grants (page 19)
Upcoming events (pages 3–7)
- Language and Migration: Experience and Memory
- Javier Alcalde at the EHESS
- Language Policy, Language Planning and Evaluation in Central America and the Caribbean
- Announcing the 43-a Esperantology Conference
- Nitobe Symposium: Language, Conflict and Security
- Transnational emancipatory practices in the light of the Esperanto paradigm
- German Association of Applied Linguistics (GAL)
- 6th Saarbrücken Conference on Foreign Language Teaching
- 31st Annual GIL Conference
- CEL/ELC Conference 2021
- Internacia Kongreso pri Interkultura Komunikado 2021
- Translation and Interpreting: Practices, Processes, Networks
Reports (pages 8–9)
- Talk on the evolution of language policy in the EU
- Esperanto: L. L. Zamenhof’s Hopeful Language for Russia’s Jews and the World
- Public activity at a university in Turkey
- Regional Esperanto courses organised by IKEF-China
General news (pages 10–13)
- Questionnaires for the ILEI Symposium
- Marjorie Boulton Fellowships
- Vote regarding the main challenges and aims of education
- Esperanto University
- University Adam Mickiewicz
- Europe needs translators in constructed languages
- Bitoteko joins Europeana
- Hodler Institute
- The Endangered Language Fund
- Esperanto-Historio
Books (pages 14–18)
- From the Interlinguistics Symposium
- Esperantologio welcomes book reviews
- An anarchism, catalanism and Esperantism that conjures up fascinating personalities
- Anthology outlining Persian literature
- Multilingual Environments in the Great War
- The Fall of Language in the Age of English
- Language Invention in Linguistics Pedagogy
- Frequently Asked Questions on Human Rights and Climate Change
- The Rise of English: Global Politics and the Power of Language
- Language Issues in Comparative Education: Policy and practice in multilingual education based on non-dominant languages
Articles (pages 19–20)
- “Words for ‘Woman’ in A Priori Artificial Auxiliary Languages of the 19th and 20th Centuries”
- “Relicts of Another Future”
- “Epistemic diversity and the question of Lingua Franca in science and philosophy”
- “Logic and Axiomatics in the Making of Latino sine Flexione”
- “A Tale of Two Tongues”
- “Nobody’s or common? About natural and artificial mixed languages”
- “Two Linguas Francas? Social Inclusion through English and Esperanto”
Other publications (pages 21–22)
- Esperanto Por UN
- Language and the United Nations: bibliography and resource list
- Italian theses and dissertations
- GDREA Library
- ESF Connected: Recent blog posts
ESF grants (page 23)
Welcome (page 3)
Upcoming events (pages 4–5)
- ESF Connected goes live!
- ILEI congress in Benin
- Nitobe Symposium – Language, Conflict and Security
- Via Scientiarum
Reports (pages 6–8)
- Belfast, the capital of linguistic justice
- Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
- Five years of exhibitions in Lithuania
- Universal languages, artistic languages, planned languages: dreams and utopias of a world without translation
General news (pages 9–12)
- La Bona Renkontiĝo
- Esperanto & Internationalism
- Die Esperantobewegung in Ostmitteleuropa
- Decolonial Subversions
- Hachette Collection
- Kvinpetalo library
- 250+ specialist Esperanto dictionaries
- The Esperanto textbooks that never were
- Dr Seán Ó Riain: towards linguistic justice
- Dr Julián Hernández Angulo
- Funded PhD opportunity at the University of Ulster
- University of Innsbruck
Books (pages 13–20)
- Remember These Forebears
- Hector Hodler: Une posture pacifiste / Pacisma sinteno
- Preface to Probal Dasgupta’s Bangla translation of a Finnish novel
- Esperanto and interlinguistics in Bangla
- University textbooks in Esperantology and interlinguistics
- Two freely downloadable dissertations
- Contested Languages: the hidden multilingualism of Europe
- Translated and untranslated: the promise of translation and its downsides
- “International Auxiliary Languages”
- “The role of multilingualism as a tool in spurting trade among the BRICS: an economic perspective”
- Die Bienen und das Unsichtbare
Articles (pages 21–26)
- “Linguistic human rights and multilingual education: a report from an Indian university”
- “Disadvantages in preparing and publishing scientific papers caused by the dominance of the English language in science: the case of Colombian researchers in biological sciences”
- “Science’s English dominance hinders diversity – but the community can work toward change”
- “Just language rights: social contract and constitutional economics”
- “Interlanguages and Interlinguistics”
- “How to teach a language that has just appeared: the case of Esperanto”
- “Esperanto Journalism and Readers as ‘Managers’: a transnational participatory audience”
- “Ulrike Ottinger’s Dorian Gray in the Mirror of the Yellow Press (1984) as a Reflection on Cinematic Esperanto”
- “Compounding in Esperanto”
- “Building an Artificial Language from Scratch”
- “Language’s Hopes: Global Modernism and the Science of Debabelization”
- “Adjectives in narratives in spoken Esperanto”
- “Artificial/peripheral structures: what can they tell us about the (morpho)phonology of natural languages”
Other publications (pages 27–29)
- Webinar at Shiraz University
- The academic journal Esperantologio / Esperanto Studies launches a new series
- Newsletter of UEA’s Office of Liaison with the United Nations
- trans-kom
- Quaderna
- ESF Connected: Recent blog posts
ESF grants (page 30)
Information For Interlinguists ~ 2020
Welcome (page 3)
News (pages 4–9)
• CED reorganized under a new Board
• What is CED?
• Esperantic Studies Foundation’s end-of-year report
• “ESF Update” by Grand Goodall
• Humphrey Tonkin: Honorary President of UEA
• PIV 2020
• Grabowski Prize 2020 goes to Bertilo Wennergren
• Online library
• Radaro
• TeachLing
• Joshua A. Fishman Award
• Planet Word
Upcoming events (pages 10–16)
• 55th ALTE Meeting and Conference
• 30th GIL Conference
• 56th Linguistics Colloquium
• Modern Language Association: Glasgow, Scotland
• 3rd International Conference on Translation, Interpreting and Cognition
• International Symposium PaCor 2021
• UNED courses now also at level B1
Reports (pages 17–19)
• Society for the History and Epistemology of Language Science
• A successful virtual conference for ILEI
• 5th Interlinguistics Symposium in Poznań
Books (pages 20–24)
Welcome (page 3)
Upcoming events (pages 4–6)
• Monda Fest’ 2020 (UN at 75: Dialogue and understanding in a changing world)
• Interlinguistics Studies event at AMU
• Progress at the University of St Andrews, Scotland
• Coronavirus and university life
• IATIS: Indirect translation and sustainable development
• Kunpens(ig)ado (Thinking Together): Esperanto and universities
• Online seminar on Research Methods in Translation and Interpreting Studies
Reports (pages 7-9)
• Activity of the International League of Esperanto Teachers
• ESF Fellowship at the University of Massachusetts
Books (page 10)
• Ulrich Lins: Dangerous Language
• Detlev Blanke: Internationale Plansprachen (Eine Einführung)
• Linguistic rights in the European Union
Articles (pages 11–14)
• Mots: Multilingualism in international organisations
• Language Problems and Language Planning, volume 44, issue 1 (2020)
• Esperanto and Endangered Languages
• Estudios de Lingüística del Español 41 (2020)
• Język, Komunikacja, Informacja 14 (2019)
• Translating Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Into Chichewa: A Quick Efficacy
• Decolonial Subversions
Miscellaneous (pages 15–18)
• Model Attachment
• Survey on remote learning
• Teaching/research assistant at the University of Geneva
• Questionnaire on the 75th anniversary of the United Nations
• The loss of a major library on constructed languages
• PhD position at KU Leuven
• Victor Sadler
• Hans Erasmus
• History of the present newsletter and its predecessors
ESF grants (page 19)
Welcome (page 3)
Upcoming events (pages 4–6)
- World Congress in Montreal moved to 2022
- Educational events from E@I in 2020
Reports (pages 7-13)
- Gong Xiaofeng (Arko) holds an Esperanto course online
- Online Esperanto-course launched at Kunming Arts College, China
- From the board of the International League of Esperanto Instructors
- University activity – central register
- Esperanto por UN
- Collective activity network on African linguistic and cultural identities
- Paul Gubbins Award
- Up and down the scales: Visualising the Esperanto movement around 1900
- Seminar on interlinguistics and planned languages
- Archive copy of Internationale Plansprachen
Books (pages 14-17)
- Lithuanian edition of the biographical sketch of Zamenhof
- Ludwik Zamenhof: On the hundredth anniversary of his death
- Eduardo D. Faingold, Language Rights and the Law in the European Union
- New series: Fach – Sprache – Kommunikation
Articles (pages 18–20)
- Special interlinguistic issue of La Ondo de Esperanto
- Alessio Giordano: article in Enciclopedia Italiana
- David Karlander, “Ideological indeterminacy: Worker Esperantism in 1920s”
- Albert Valdman Award 2019
- Forum for International Research in Education (FIRE)
- Special issue of Quaderna
- Esperanto and the true origin of the euro: the price to pay for a common identity
Dissertations (page 21)
- Mélanie Maradan, Dealing with uncertainty in deliberate lexical interventions: A method for gathering data from a speech community, exemplified by Esperanto speakers
- Yasmin Raafat, Sugar-coating Female Genital Mutilation in United Nations Documents in English and Arabic: a diachronic study of lexical variation
Miscellaneous (pages 22–25)
- 100 years after the death of Hector Hodler: Esperanto magazine free to download
- ESF welcomes a new member to its Advisory Board
- Coronavirus interviews
- Interview with Martin Ptasinski
- Militrakonto news
- Have you thought about publishing your work in LPLP?
ESF grants (page 26)
Feb 2020 Supplement to IfI edition 10 and IpI edition 110 (English only)
- Worshop: “Linguistic Justice and Public Policy”
- Scottish Identity and the Esperanto Movement
- CALICO – Outstanding Graduate Student Award
- International Virtual Exchange Conference (IVEC)
Welcome: Page 3
Upcoming events: Pages 4-6
• UK Language Policy After Brexit
• Nitobe Symposium: Language Diversity and Sustainable Development
• Online Esperanto course for writers
• Beginners’ course at the University of Paris
• Esperanto for beginners at the University of Liverpool, England
• Esperanto course at the National Distance Education University, Spain
• Esperanto at Stanford University, California
Reports: Pages 7-11
• Militrakonto at a conference in Tallinn
• Interlinguistics session with teacher training
• 5th International Conference of Applied Linguistics
• 90th anniversary of the Esperanto Museum
• Das Ende von Babel?
• François Lo Jacomo’s speech to UNESCO
• International conference in Perugia
• Esperanto becomes protected heritage in Croatia
Books: Pages 12-19
• Davide Astori, Due passi in Esperantujo – Promenadeto en Esperantujo
• Carlos Casares (trans. Suso Moinhos), Vundita vento
• Bill Chapman, The Early History of Esperanto in the United Kingdom
• André Cherpillod, Vortaro de la mitoj kaj mitologioj
• François Grin (ed.), Mobility and Inclusion in Multilingual Europe: The MIME Vademecum
• Norman Lebrecht, Genius and Anxiety: How Jews Changed the World 1847–1947
• Carlo Minnaja (ed. Davide Astori), Introduzione alla letteratura esperanto
• Gonçalo Neves, Bernhard Pabst, Historia vortaro de Esperanto
• Juan Régulo Pérez k.a., Pri adopto kaj Omaĝo
• L. L. Zamenhof, Gramatiko de la jida lingvo: Provo de gramatiko de la novjuda lingvo (de la ĵargono)
• Sabine Fiedler, Cyril Robert Brosch, Der Erasmus-Studienaufenthalt – Europäische Sprachenvielfalt oder Englisch als Lingua franca?
• GIL Yearbook 2019
• Esperanto translation of Una lingua per tutti, una lingua di nessun paese
• The Casa Fontanalba Visitors’ Book, de Clarence Bicknell
Articles: Pages 20-21
• Eckhard Bick, “Automatic Generation and Semantic Grading of Esperanto Sentences in a Teaching Context”
• Renato Corsetti, “UN at 75: Esperanto needs the United Nations, but the United Nations needs Esperantists”
• Nino Kirvalidze, “New challenges of anglicization in the context of 21st-century globalization and their impact on higher education”
• Brigid O’Keeffe, “An International Language for an Empire of Humanity: L. L. Zamenhof and the Imperial Russian Origins of Esperanto”
• Alexander Rubel, “Quo Vadis Altertumswissenschaft? The Command of Foreign Languages and the Future of Classical Studies”
Dissertations: Page 22
• Peter Sheehy, The (Trans)National Theatre of Esperanto: Staging politics, culture and community in the international language
• A literary thesis in Quechua
Miscellaneous: Pages 23-25
• Why support ESF?
• ESF Fellowship at the University of Massachusetts
• Esperanto and Internationalism, c.1880s–1930
• On the 70th anniversary of ILEI
• Funded Ph.D. opportunity at Ulster University, Northern Ireland: The Multilingual Government
• Planet Word museum
• Map of linguistic diversity in New York City
• Importance of Esperanto denaskuloj for the description of Esperanto
• Correction regarding “An approach to Esperanto through literature”
ESF grants: Page 26
Information For Interlinguists ~ 2019
1. Message from the Editors
2. Recent publications: Books
3. Recent publications: Articles
4. Dissertations
5. Obituary
6. Coming events
7. Research on Hector Hodler – and a question
8. Giuseppe Peano
9. ILEI Meets
10. Conference on Multilingual Literature at Gregynog, Wales
11. The Sanskrit College, Kolkata
12. The 2019 Esperantology Conference
13. Scio sen Bariloj (SSB) [Knowledge Without Barriers]: A seminar for women in Cotonou, Benin
14. Esperanto course at the University of Leipzig, Germany
15. Translation studies at the University of Surrey
16. E-books in Esperanto
17. African projects at the University of Seville
18. New agreement will strengthen Polish and Chinese collaboration in interlinguistics
19. Japanese Esperanto Institute meets to update studies
20. Esperantology and interlinguistics now on Twitter
21. Esperanto as a way of thinking about cultural diversity
22. Internacia Pedagogia Revuo 2019/4
23. Language Problems and Language Planning (LPLP) 43/2 (2019)
24. JKI: Język Komunikacja Informacja
25. University Esperanto Clubs: TEJO seeks information
26. Fake news
27. Esperanto in Shanghai University
28. “National Reading” in Esperanto in Krakow, Poland
29. News from the University of Massachusetts
30. American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages
31. Symposium on Planned Language and Language Planning
32. World Congress of Esperanto, August 2020
33. Postscripts
1. Message from the Editors
2. Recent Publications: Books
3. Recent publications: Articles
4. From the press
5. Dissertations
6. Language Problems and Language Planning
7. Call for Papers: “Language and Migration: Experience and Memory”. May 7-9, 2020
8. Esperantic Studies Foundation: Recent Grants 2019
9. Language symposium stresses need to listen as well as talk
10. Workshop on language organized at the United Nations
11. Project “Militrakonto” 9
12. Foundation for Endangered Languages: Conference in Sydney
13. Course in Esperanto for university teachers to take place in Krakow
14. Spring meeting in Beijing
15. Translation and interpretation: Conferences and new publications
16. List of university teachers and researchers who know Esperanto
17. Foreign Esperanto-speaking teachers sought by Chinese university
18. ILEI/ESF working group on university activities
19. Esperanto at the State University of Lokossa, Benin
20. Scientific conference in Ukraine
21. Helsinki Initiative on Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication
22. Olga Shiliaeva will moderate the congress theme in Lahti
23. Young Esperantist addresses ECOSOC Youth Forum: Antonio Guterres listens
24. Esperanto doesn’t evolve?
25. Grant Goodall and Lee Miller elected to the Academy of Esperanto
26. Improved climate for multilingualism at the United Nations
27. Blog discusses Esperanto and upcoming programs
28. CED Esperantology Conference in Lahti
29. Colloquium in Lahti – Esperantology and interlinguistics: Next steps
30. ESF board meets in Boston
1. From the Editors
2. Research Opportunity
3. Buchanan Esperanto Day, University of Liverpool, 2 April 2019
4. Meeting of Esperanto studies experts planned for Finland
5. Recent publications: Books
6. Recent publications: Articles
7. Dissertations
8. News on periodicals
9. The ESF History Project: help needed
10. The Study Group on Language and the UN invites you to a Symposium on “The United Nations at 75: Listening, Talking and Taking Action in a Multilingual World”
11. Call for contributions: Special issue on Agency in Language Planning and Policy
12. Teacher training in collaboration with the UAM Interlinguistic Studies Program, ILEI &
13. Bachrich library support program gives awards to 15 libraries
14. Esperantology Conference 2019
15. Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
16. UMEA: Medical dissertations in Esperanto?
17. Conference: Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Planning
18. Misassertions on Esperanto
19. Africa in the World of Languages
20. Esperanto course at Allame Tabataba’I University, Iran
21. Esperanto at the Linguistic Society of India Conference
22. Research project on the early Esperanto movement in Europe
23. Conference attendance
24. A new editor for LPLP
25. University of Vienna receives the papers of Eugen Wüster
26. Esperanto in universities
27. Fifth Anniversary of the Zaozhuang Esperanto Museum, China
28. Seventy years of ILEI
29. Commission on university activities formed
30. 52nd ILEI Congress, Čačak, Serbia, July 13-20, 2019
1. Editorial
2. Recent Publications
3. Princeton University Library builds Esperanto and interlinguistics collection
4. Conference: Languages and the First World War
5. A successful Round Table on Esperanto
6. Third DiscourseNet ALED Congress DNC3-ALED: Call for panel proposals.
7. Call for papers: multilingual literatures
8. Study-report meeting of the Japanese Esperanto-Institute
9. Meeting of the Israeli Translators’ Association dedicated to Esperanto
10. Prof. Ilona Koutny – recipient of the 16th FAME prize
11.Ten years of Esperanto in the Philosophy Department, University of Zagreb
12. An Esperanto course in the University of Costa Rica
13. Prizes awarded: Antoni Grabowski Foundation
14. Catalogue of Esperanto objects available online
15. TEDx talk (Rome, 2018) featured Esperanto
16. 50 years of excellence: honoring ESF
17. ESF appoints a new coordinator of university affairs
18. ESF Convenes Symposium on Esperanto and Interlinguistics
19. Report from ILEI (Esperanto-speaking Teachers)
20. Croatia and Australia: A decent home for DEC − Dokumenta Esperanto-Centro
21. Suggestions for university thesis sought
22. ESF grants
Detailed Table of Contents: Festschrift for Ulrich Lins
Ulrich Lins: Bibliography
Detailed Table of Contents: Pri Esperantaj vortoj – kun humuro kaj serioze.
Information For Interlinguists ~ 2018
1. Editorial
2. Recent Publications
3. Symposium examines multilingualism at the United Nations
4. Translanguaging in the Individual, at School and in Society
5. Mapping the ‘New Globalization’: call for Papers
6. A Summer Full of Esperanto!
7. Language Rights of Linguistic Minorities: A Practical Guide for Implementation
8. Buchanan Lecture 2018 – University of Liverpool, UK
9. Federico Gobbo (Amsterdamo/Torino): Summary of lectures to be given during the USA-Canada National Esperanto Congress (Seattle, July 2018)
10. What’s new at ILEI (International League of Esperanto Teachers)
11. International Congress University (IKU) and scholarly programming at the World Esperanto Congress, Lisbon (28 July – 4 August)
12. Upcoming Conferences
1. Editorial
2. Recent Publications
3. Symposium on multilingualism in international organizations and co-operation: May 10-11, NYC
4. Javier Alcalde to lecture on transnational language and conflicting memories of the Spanish Civil War
5. Language of Hope: Activism, ways of engagement and conceptions of time among Esperanto speakers
6. Special Issue of Trans-Kom: Specialized Communication – the Scholarly Perspective
7. CFP: Multilingual Margins
8. African Languages in Public Spaces: Opportunities & Challenges: Annual Conference (May 11th 2018, London)
9. Encyclopedia of Leading Esperanto Speakers Published
10. The Heritage and Legacy of Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof: Between Judaism and Esperanto
11. Language and Health – Ethical and Policy Issues: call for papers
12. ESF appoints a new coordinator of university affairs
13. ESF’s recent grants
14. NASK-2018: Renowned Instructors, Four Course Levels and KTF
15. “Esperanto – a language and a system” in the University of Innsbruck
16. Literatura Foiro February 2018: Table of Contents
17. Poet Elizabeth Alexander on Esperanto
18. A New Book on a Forgotten Revolution
19. “Language in Culture and Culture in Language”: May 29 and 30, 2018
1. Editorial
2. Recent Publications
3. Multilingualism in International Organizations and in International Co-operation
4. IpI kaj IfI available through the Juan Régulo Pérez Library
5. Scholarly meetings at the Japanese Esperanto Congress
6. Gesellschaft für Interlinguistik organizes annbual conference.
7. International Summer School – Language Policy and Language Planning: education, languages and migrations
8. The new Princeton Handbook of World Poetries (2016) features Esperanto
9. New meeting-place for Esperanto events at Jagiellonian University
10. University activity in Iran
11. University of Seville: new courses
12. A note from Bulgaria
13. Italy: Esperanto a topic in a political science conference
14. Edition Iltis 1997-2017 bids goodbye
15. Language Problems and Language Planning 41:2, 41:3 : Table of Contents
16. Assembly of the Friends of CDELI, with lecture by Dr. Sébastien Moret: “Why Did Esperanto Win?”
17. Paris: Conference Globalization, Internet and the UNESCO Courier
18. Rome: Exhibition and colloquium honor Zamenhof
19. Languages and the First World War
20. Principal scholarly contributions of Aleksandro S. Melnikov to interlinguistics and Esperantology
Information For Interlinguists ~ 2017
1. Editorial
2. Recent Publications
Doctoral Dissertation
3. Open Day at the Universal Esperanto Association, 25 November 2017
4. Table of Contents: Papers from the International Congress University, Seoul, 2017
5. Call for Papers: III International Conference on Economic, Business, Financial and Institutional Translation, Alicante.
6. Annual meeting of the Centre for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems (CED)
7. Report by Dr. Federico Gobbo, holder of the special chair in interlinguistics and Esperanto at the University of Amsterdam
8. Call for Papers: Language And Borders: Rethinking Mobility, Migration And Space, Bristol.
9. YouTube channel with all talks at the Summer School on Linguistic Policy, Linguistic Planning and Evaluation
10. 3rd Conference on Contested Languages in the Old World (CLOW3)
11. Abstract: Raising children’s metalinguistic awareness to enhance classroom second language learning
12. Stipendiary Buchanan Graduate Teaching Fellowship in Esperanto / Constructed Languages / Language Planning
13. Contents: Language Problems and Language Planning
14. The new has more of Zamenhof’s writings, new capabilities, and is faster!
15. Recent publications by Bernhard Tuider (Director, Planned Languages Collection, Austrian National Library)
16. Rethinking the world through language: the role of Esperanto in modern Japanese history
17. 20 Years of Interlinguistic Studies at Poznan
18. The Present State and Development of the Teaching of Esperanto as an International Language Across the World: A University Symposium.
19. International Academy of Sciences San Marino meets in Warsaw.
1. Editorial
2. Symposium on Language, the Sustainable Development Goals, and Vulnerable Populations
3. Future Conferences and other events
4. Esperantic Studies Foundation and the University of Costa Rica announce an LPP Summer School
5. Call for Papers
6. British Association for Applied Linguistics founded
7. New President for the Center for Applied Linguistics
8. The 6th Global Esperanto Examinations are complete and a series of individual sessions begins
9. In memoriam: André Albault (1923-2017)
10. Recent Publications
11. Language Problems and Language Planning 41:1 and 41:2 (2017)
12. Esperantic Studies Foundation appoints a new Executive Director
13. Languages of Internationalism, University of London
14. The Interlinguistic Studies program in Poznan is now accepting applications for 2017-2020