Author Guidelines and Additional Information for Contributors
We welcome contributions that follow the guidelines presented below.
Research articles
Research articles must consist of the following sections: title, author(s), institutional affiliation, author’s ORCID identifier (if any), abstract, keywords, content of the article, bibliography, and brief biography of the author. These must be submitted in a single .doc or .docx document.
We encourage authors to try and keep the title short, to make it easier for articles to be found by search engines.
The title, abstract (between 150 and 200 words), keywords (maximum 6) and a brief biography of the author (maximum 50 words) must be in three languages: Esperanto, English, and a third language of the author’s choice. If an article is in a language other than Esperanto or English, the third abstract must be in the concerned language. If required, the Editorial Board may help provide the translation of these pre-textual sections.
Articles should preferably have between 5,000 and 9,000 words, the above mentioned sections included.
For more experimental articles about ongoing projects and papers from the Conference on Esperanto Studies, the same rules apply, but the minimum word limit is more flexible – i.e. the manuscript can be less than 5,000 word-long.
EES also welcomes bilingual articles. In this case, the printed issue of EES will publish the article in one language and will provide a link to the second language version on the website.
Footnotes must only be explanatory, and references must appear at the end of the text, not in footnotes.
Citations and bibliographic references must follow the APA style, available here.
Quotations in languages other than that of the article must appear also in the language of the article as a footnote.
Book reviews
Book reviews must consist of the following sections: reference of the book(s) reviewed, author of the book review, institutional affiliation, author’s ORCID identifier (if any), content of the review, and a brief biography of the author. These must be submitted in a single .doc or .docx document.
Reviews should preferably have between 1,000 and 1,700 words, the above-mentioned sections included.
Book reviews must be critical, not only describing the volume’s content, but also analysing it critically. Given EES’ commitment to multilingualism, the reviewed book can be in any language, so that reviews published at EES can help disseminate knowledge originally produced in languages other than Esperanto or the hegemonic ones. Reviews that compare or analyse more than one book on the same field are also welcome.
Citations and bibliographic references must follow the style, available here.
EES provides and regularly updates a list (please find it below) of books worth considering for review. However, EES also welcomes reviews of books not included on this list. Reviews of works in languages other than Esperanto and English are particularly welcome, to give visibility to research produced in other languages.
Some books worth considering for review
Anderson, Stephen R; Saussure, Louis de. 2018. René de Saussure and the Theory of Word Formation. Berlin: Language Science Press.
Gobbo, Federico. 2020. Introduction to Interlinguistics. Munich: Grin Verlag.
Grin, François; Marácz, László; and Pokorn, Nike (Eds). 2022. Advances in Interdisciplinary Language Policy. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Kamusella, Tomasz. 2021. Words in Space and Time: A Historical Atlas of Language Politics in Modern Central Europe. Budapest: Central European University Press.
Moret, Sébastien (Red). 2019. Interlinguistique et espérantologie. Cahiers de l’ILSL n°61. Lausanne: Université de Lausanne
Wennergren, Bertilo (Red). 2020. Plena Ilustrita Vortaro de Esperanto, Nova Eldono. Paris: SAT.
Reviews to be considered are not limited to the books listed above. If you are interested in writing a book review, please contact the two editors in advance.
General information on submitting and reviewing contributions
The editors will review the manuscripts received and consult with additional reviewers, whether members of the Editorial Board or external scholars.
There are neither submission nor publication fees for this journal. As the core goal of EES is to encourage academic debates and disseminate knowledge about Esperanto Studies and Interlinguistics, all journal issues are available free of charge online.
Please send your contribution by email to the two editors: Christopher Gledhill (christopher.gledhill[at] and Klaus Schubert (klaus.schubert[at], to whom you should also direct any question you may have.
There are no deadlines for the receipt of contributions.
We thank you for your interest in Esperantologio / Esperanto Studies and look forward to receiving your contribution.