43rd Esperanto Studies Conference, 2021
43rd Esperanto Studies Conference, 2021 ~ Online
Challenges for languages and communication in a virtually connected world

Location: Online, through StreamYard and Zoom, as part of the 2nd Virtual Congress of Esperanto
Date: July 22nd, 2021, from 12:00 UTC to 17:00 UTC
Organisers: Guilherme Fians and Orlando Raola
12:00: Welcome and Introduction
Mark Fettes
12:15: De-Europeanisation of Esperanto through an Altain point of view
12:30: Why are there many adjectives in Esperanto? Comparison with Japanese, Tok Pisin, Dom and other languages
TIDA Syuntaro
12:45: The waves of Esperanto: Propagation in the Brazilian movement
Manuela Burghelea
13:00: Questions and answers; followed by a 30-minute break
14:15: The virtual reality of a speech community: What remains unsaid when communication largely moves from face-to-face to virtual settings?
Guilherme Fians
14:30: Esperantujo, an example of a transnational community
Laetitia Bert
14:45: The international mediation of communist thinking: Social history of the translations of Marx into Esperanto
Javier Alcalde
15:00: Questions and answers
15:50: Concluding remarks; followed by a 30-minute break
Guilherme Fians
16:30: Open debate: Language use, activism and research during the COVID-19 pandemic
All participants
17:50: Closing of the conference
Orlando Raola